Inc. Magazine’s 5000 Fastest Growing Companies

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In recent years, Diversity™ initiatives have breached the business world and now many companies—both high-revenue and startup—are literally creating jobs for the sake of Diversity™. B2Gnow works closely with people who fill roles like the Director of Diversity and Inclusion. Could this mean the climate is changing? Why is business as usual suddenly getting companies into trouble and getting the attention of business leaders across industries?

Simply because the topic is finally getting the attention of the right people—consumers. Thanks to the internet, 76 percent of American adults believe they are now better informed about news, social issues, and other topics that matter to them, according to the Pew Research Center.

Fifty-five percent of global consumers are willing to pay more for products and services offered by companies that make a positive social impact, according to a Nielsen study. This is particularly true for Millennials, who make up companies’ largest consumer base and their talent pipelines. When researchers from PwC surveyed Millennials about their attitudes toward work, they found that:

While millennials value diversity and tend to seek out employers with a strong record on equality and diversity, their expectations are not always met in practice. Fifty-five percent of respondents agreed with the statement that “organisations talk about diversity, but I don’t feel opportunities are really equal for all.”
Now that consumers care more about diversity, businesses have to care more—and put themselves on the hook to actually do something about it. Lip service is no longer enough. In fact, hypocritical claims can get companies into even hotter water in terms of consumer trust.

With the increased public awareness around discriminatory hiring and other bad behavior in Silicon Valley, tech companies have no choice but to talk about diversity—to make promises and create a business strategy that will institute real change. After all, the media isn’t the only one watching anymore. The public is paying attention now too.

Companies making this list must be privately held, for profit independent US companies, evaluated according to percentage revenue growth from 2013 through 2016.