The #1 Business Diversity Software

The #1 Supplier Diversity Software for Government, Healthcare, Education, General Contractors, and Regulated Corporations.

B2Gnow’s supplier diversity software empowers public agencies to streamline the complex process of diversity management dramatically. Organizations can reduce administrative burden by 60-80% by switching to one central platform that houses all of your supplier information and simplifies your workflow. Our software allows organizations to easily monitor diversity goals, track expenditures, and generate comprehensive reports by centralizing data and automating processes. With heightened transparency and accountability, you easily manage compliance initiatives while maximizing opportunities for diverse suppliers.

25+ Modules to Simplify Every Step of Supplier Diversity Management

Baseline & Vendor Management

  • Contract Compliance
  • Outreach & Events
  • Utilization Plans
  • Goal Calculation & Setting
  • Online Vendor Registration
  • Spend Analysis
  • Projects
  • Certified Directory Connections
  • Airport Concessions
  • On The Job Training
  • Workforce
  • Certified Payroll / Prevailing Wage
  • Reviews
  • Hire Module
  • Sales Reporting
  • Insurance Certification Management
  • Dashboard & Economic Impact
  • Recipient Reporting Suite
  • Certification Suite
  • Bid Management Suite

Contract Compliance

Ensure adherence to contract compliance requirements and regulations.

Outreach & Events

Organize and manage outreach campaigns and events efficiently.

Utilization Plans

Build subcontractor plans and allocate subcontractors based on certification status and work categories.

Goal Calculation & Setting

Set and monitor contract- and project-specific diversity goals based on US DOT standards.

Online Vendor Registration

Simplify the vendor registration process with online forms and workflow management.

Spend Analysis

Analyze and report on M/W/D/SBE utilization and expenditures to enhance diversity spend tracking.


Efficiently monitor and manage projects with multiple contracts through our supplier diversity software.

Certified Directory Connections

Access and manage certified directories seamlessly within the supplier diversity system.

Airport Concessions

Manage concession contracts efficiently with integrated tools in our easy-to-use supplier diversity software.

On The Job Training

Facilitate on-the-job training programs with streamlined processes.


Accurately track and analyze workforce utilization data.

Certified Payroll / Prevailing Wage

Ensure compliance with prevailing wage rates and labor regulations.


Track ongoing vendor review requirements and efficiently collect necessary information.

Hire Module

Manage the hiring process seamlessly with our business diversity software’s tools and workflows.

Sales Reporting

Submit detailed vendor sales reports online according to predefined policies.

Insurance Certification Management

Manage vendor insurance requirements directly in the supplier diversity software.

Dashboard & Economic Impact

Present program information and economic impact reports to the public.

Recipient Reporting Suite

Oversee enterprise diversity program with comprehensive reporting tools.

Certification Suite

Streamline certification management with automated processes and audit trails.

Bid Management Suite

Facilitate bid posting, bid tracking, and online bidding through our integrated supplier diversity software tools.

Baseline & Vendor Management

Make compliance easy. Make a difference in the community.

Discover how our supplier diversity, prevailing wage labor compliance, and grant management software solutions help you streamline processes and allow you to deliver greater impact to your community.

Supplier Diversity Data Management

If you’re exploring the benefits of increasing your annual spend with diverse suppliers, where do you start?

One word: Data.

Data, and how good that data is, is arguably one of the key pillars of a successful supplier diversity program. If your data is inaccurate or messy everything will suffer.

You likely miss your diversity goals, account for diverse spend that shouldn’t be, miss a chance to showcase additional diverse spend your organization has influenced. You’ll also waste your time and resources, miss an opportunity to demonstrate value and economic impact to your community, as well as deal with potential repercussions for federal funding repayment, and the list goes on…and on.

The good news is that there are tools and approaches that organizations can adopt to improve the integrity of their data, how they view and report on that data, and ultimately positively influence the success of their supplier diversity program and the communities they serve.

If you’re sacrificing hours upon hours of manually sifting through the data, living in spreadsheets or toggling between several different tools or directories, chances are there are more than a few data errors that you’d feel comfortable to admit. If this sounds familiar, it may be a sign it’s time to go digital and leverage the power of a supplier diversity software system that automates many of these tedious, manual processes. A robust supplier diversity software system, like B2Gnow, automates and streamlines time-consuming data processes with a click-of-a-button. In turn drastically increasing data accuracy as well as reducing time and effort necessary to successfully manage a diversity program. Oftentimes the result is that organizations are saving 60%-80% of time spent on administrative and clerical activities, while at the same time enhancing impact and reach.

How confident are you that you have the latest, most accurate information on your suppliers? Could it be out of date? Who is even verifying the information is correct? Bottom line is, if your supplier data is not accurate, your small and diverse business spend is probably flat-out wrong. Many leading organizations have seen the writing on the wall when it comes to the importance of the latest, most accurate supplier data and have turned to supplier diversity software systems for their comprehensive and trusted data scrub and data enrichment services. B2Gnow supplier diversity management software hosts the largest certified diverse business database in the world – from directories to local and state certifying agencies – to match all listed vendors to the certifications available for such vendors. In addition, the company enriches the data by providing additional information for each matched vendor. The result is the rapid ability to qualify and quantify your current supplier data to maximize current goals. No more redundant or inaccurate data.

Various organizations, such as government agencies, corporations, healthcare, and higher education, have unique needs when it comes to data and how they are tracking spend. For instance, many spend a significant amount of money on purchase orders or credit cards across a large number of vendors. The issue is that this data on potential small and diverse business spend is lost when these dollars aren’t tracked and attributed. Software like B2Gnow’s Spend Analysis module allows organizations to quickly and easily capture and report on this important diverse spend data across their credit card and purchase order expenditures. The payment data is merged with B2Gnow’s extensive recognized certification and registry data, resulting in a complete spend analysis that allows the spend data to be visualized and utilized to granularly evaluate diverse supplier programs.

Your program might track and report on Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers; however, your subs may also subcontract with certified businesses. This shallow visibility results in inaccurate reporting on your entire small/diverse vendor utilization, significantly understating your organization’s efforts. Effectively tracking and reporting on those deeper tiers may seem impossible; however, comprehensive supplier diversity management platforms can track goals and record diverse spend up to tier 10, all while ensuring compliance.

Say goodbye to tedious, manual processes, and go deeper into your data. Easily track good faith efforts, opportunities, responses, diverse spend amounts, contractor relationships and more. Every action facilitated through B2Gnow stays in the system for use in workflow view as it’s needed, or to be used in one of our 400 standard reports. Benefit from a robust supplier diversity software solution that streamlines and automates data-gathering, tracking, reporting, vendor management, and administrative processes, resulting in a significant reduction in staff time and cost – allowing you to focus on meeting diversity goals, not on chasing paper.

Procurement Supplier Diversity Management Software For Businesses